lunes, 23 de enero de 2017

Our daily life as consumers

Our daily life as consumers:

Click on the picture to watch the video again!

Write a comment telling us if you are "homo consumus" or "homo responsibilus" and why.

16 comentarios:

  1. I am Claudia of 5ºa
    I think I am homo responsabilus because I recicle the rubbish. I didn´t use plastic caps also, I use recicle papper and use my money for necessary things ,I try to eat healthy food.

  2. I think that i'm a homo responsabilidad because when i wake up do not turn on the ligh i Raice the blinds, when i'm showering if i'm not using the water i remove it and i recycle

  3. I think that i´m homo reponsabilus because i recicle the rubbish and the paper

  4. Hello Laura iam Eva.
    I think that i'm a homo responsabilus becaus i recicle and i put the paper on the bucket and like this old days.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. hello i'm claudia of 5b:
    i'm homo responsabilus because i use recicle paper and i don't throw trash on the floor

  7. Hello laura Im Alejandro:

    I think that I am a homo consumus because in the mournings for exaple I leave the lights of my room opened I leave the tup opened.
    But too I think that I am a homo responsibilis because I recycle the rubish and paper and other products.

    xxxxxxxx Alejandro.

    1. Eva soy Alejandro no hagas tantas faltas de ortografía eeeehhh jajajaaa.

  8. Hello, I'm Sergio of 5ºA. I'm going to be honesty and I have to do best.
    I think that I'm a Homo Consumus, but not like in the video, because I don't recycle very well, I mean I only divided the rubbish in 3 containers: paper, plastic and rubbish in general, but not always I put great, for example in the morning I do Cola Cao in the cofe machine and later sometimes I put the thing that have the powder I put in the plastic container.
    Bye, I want to you read this, Laura because I'm honest.

  9. Hello I'am Nuria from 5°A.I think I'm in the middle of homo consumus and homo responsabilus because I recycle newspeaper but I take long showers.What do you think Laura?🤔

  10. Hello. I'm Irene. I think that I'm homo responsabilus sometimes because I recycle paper and rubbish, but sometimes I forget to turn off the light and when I have a shower I don't close the water when I clean my body.
    Bye Laura

  11. Hello Laura I'm Javier A of 5ºA :
    I think that I'm a homo responsabilus because I don't disgast light and I recicle rubbish . By
