martes, 26 de marzo de 2019


New English leson!!!

We are starting a new lesson and there will be new vocabulary to study, so here it is a Power Point to study it.

To see the document, click HERE.

See you later!!!!

Image result for vocabulary

martes, 19 de marzo de 2019

Early Modern Age: PROJECTS

Helllo children, as you know, this lesson is not going to be evaluated by an exam, but by projects. There are 17 topics and they will be chosen on Tuesday so you have 6 days to read alll the topics in order to choose the one you are going to work on.

Here it is a document with all the topics and some links to read about them, I hope you like it!!!

To see the document, click HERE.

Image result for spanish empire

lunes, 18 de marzo de 2019


Good morning children, here it is what you have to copy about the new Social Science lesson, "Early Modern age".

To see the document, click HERE.

Image result for conquistadores

viernes, 15 de marzo de 2019

miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2019

Visita al pleno 5º B

La semana pasada los alumnos de 5º B visitamos el pleno del Ayuntamiento tras una interesante actividad entregamos un documento para que lo recepcionase el alcalde con las mejoras que el alumnado había propuesto para sus barrios, aquí tenéis el documento para verlo:

Resultado de imagen de ceip andres segovia leganesResultado de imagen de ceip andres segovia leganes

martes, 12 de marzo de 2019

EXTRA EXERCISE Social Science lesson 3: Middle ages

As we have seen in the class, Al Andalus gave us a lot of new inventions we still use today as irrigated farming, but also new types of food.

Can you send me a Power Point with about 10 different muslim foods brought to Spain and some dishes you can prepare with them?

The dead line is next Monday the 18th of March.

See you!!!

Image result for arroz con leche

Videos about Middle ages in the Iberian Peninsula.

Hello children here they are some videos you can  watch to understand better the lesson you are going to do an exam this week:

1) The first one is about all the History of the Iberian Peninsula:

2) This one is about Middle ages in Europe, Hector from 5 B showed us, this is the breason it's in Spanish. Thank you Hector!!!!!

3) Next one is about how muslim ruled the Iberian peninsula.

4) The last one is about the Reconquista:

I hope you like it!!!!!!

Resultado de imagen de al andalus cartoon

Bingo of the month: chores

Hello children here it is the document where you can see the bingo of the month. It is about chores, so you can add some words to the vocabulary of the lesson. I hope you like it!!!

To see the document, click HERE.

Resultado de imagen de chores

Vocabulary lesson 5

New vocabulary, this timne is about chores, and I hope you help at home as well as you can!!!!!

Here it is the new Power Point about the lesson with some games.

To download the document click HERE.

Resultado de imagen de chores